Territorializing from within

“If you are a migrant, you carry the territory in your memory, you live alternating worlds.”
– Jaime Martínez Luna

“I’m my home, my many homes.”

An exercise on being-in-listening for those in constant transit while feeling unsteadiness under their feet.In this audiovisual essay, Canto Cardenche becomes a space of recovery where the environment is the speaker who takes us to the other person.

What started with a simple, yet monumental "How are you?" turns into an exchange on our bodily territories, identities and the bridges we move through.

Canto Cardenche, a dying musical style, besides portraying the everyday struggles of a disregarded region of Mexico, encodes a broad repository of ethnobiological knowledge of unwritten protocols related to the internal, the spiritual, the intimate and the land.

/ Canto Cardenche, un estilo musical en extinción, además de retratar las luchas cotidianas de una región olvidada de México, codifica un amplio repositorio de conocimiento etnobiológico de protocolos no escritos relacionados con lo interno, lo espiritual, lo íntimo y la tierra.

Territorializing from within

Video essay, 14min

This video essay is a collaboration with artists, researchers, and musicians that include Aleyda Rocha, Edna Hernandez, Encanto, Manuel Martínez López, and Luisa Almaguer, Canto Cardenche is explored beyond archival works; how these unwritten protocols serve us today, for those in transit, as not only as a recognition of the past but also as a grounding exercise that offers the chance -to be in listening - with the other.

/Este video ensayo junto a un grupo de talentosas artistas que incluyen a Aleyda Rocha, Edna Hernández, Encanto, Manuel Martínez López, y Luisa Almaguer, Canto Cardenche se explora más allá del archivo; cómo estos protocolos no escritos nos sirven hoy, para quienes están en tránsito, no solo como un reconocimiento del pasado, sino también como un ejercicio de puesta a tierra que ofrece la oportunidad -de estar escuchando- con el otre.

In the pure arrogance of the reason, we have all overlooked it. We have suffered its existence to escape our senses, solely through want of belief — of faith — whether it be faith in Revelation, or faith in the Kabbala.